Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pink Eye??

I made it half way to my goal yesterday, and then this morning I woke up and my right eye was really irritated and pink. It better not be pink eye! Incase it is though, I am skipping my afternoon walk, and resting my eyes. I am taking a nap today!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

New Goal= 48 miles!

It's a new week, and I need a new goal. My new goal for this week is 48 miles. I'm trying to be patient and focus on getting in shape and losing inches. During the last week I didn't lose any weight. I will though. I just have to stay focused. It is more important for me to focus on eating healthy and staying active. The weight loss will come eventually.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I've done 19.5 miles this week! I'm halfway to my 40 mile goal! Also, I can button the top of my new outfit. It's still too tight to wear, but I'm so close!! I will definitely be wearing a size 8 by Sept 1. I can't wait to buy a new dress for the Gala. Now, I just have to find the money for it. I guess I just need to work more Saturday burns...? :-) Well, that's all for today. Hopefully, I have something more interesting to say later.

Monday, July 19, 2010

New Socks!

I reached my goal! 70 miles! I've also lost 5.8 lbs!! I need to step up my walking this week though if I'm going to make my huge goal of 233 miles by Sept. 1. I have a goal to do 40 miles this week. Since I have Friday day off and all day Sat off I should be able to accomplish it pretty easily. As for my reward I decided to buy myself a really cheap pair of sunglasses. Practical while still being something I never buy for myself. I also bought myself some new socks which everyone probably thinks is crazy, but I LOVE new socks!! Hopefully one day I'll find something interesting to blog about.

Friday, July 16, 2010

66.5 miles!!

I've almost reached my first goal! I've walked/jogged/ellipticalled (I don't know what to actually call it.) 66.5 miles!! Only 3.5 more to reach 70!! Then I get a reward!! I think I'm going to buy myself some new tennis shoes instead of dying my hair. I've had my current ones for 6 years, and they don't look very good. Well, now a quick update on what I've lost. 4.7 lbs!! If I reach 15 lbs by Sept. 1 I get to go to the Choir Gala! So exciting!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

It actually fit!!

I've lost 4.4 lbs!! Just for kicks I tried on the my size 8 outfit this morning!! Drum roll please...the skirt actually fit!! My mind was completely blown away! Now, I have to get the top to fit which will be much harder since it's a button up. I'm so excited though. This is a great way to start off a new week! Maybe it won't be as bad as last week??

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

3 lbs!

I've lost 3 lbs, and I walked 7 miles yesterday! It's been nice to get out and enjoy the warm weather. So far I've gone 39.5 miles, and I've stayed within my healthy eating plan for 7 days! Rewards here I come! Tonight I don't have choir so I plan to go on another outdoor excursion! I can't wait to fit into my size 8 outfit!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

New Plan

I now have a new plan. I failed at giving up fried food, and I was really struggling to get to the gym everyday. Back before all the pain and the surgery, I looked forward to the gym every night. The last few weeks though, it's felt like a chore, and it's been hard to get there. I found a way to stay motivated though! First thing I did was buy a new outfit with some gift cards I had. The outfit is a size 8!! I have it hanging where I can see it multiple times a day. It's so cute, and I'm determined to fit into it. Next, I have a list of rewards for eating healthy, and a list for exercise. I had to get creative though because I am very very poor right now. My first two big goals/rewards are below.

1. 70 Miles
2. 30 Days Healthy Eating

When I reach these 2 goals I get to cut & dye my hair! I'm fairly sure these two goals will be accomplished around the same time. I'm also going to give myself very small rewards for meeting very short term goals. I'm going to try to update this more with my progress! I've lost 2 lbs!